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ropensci/wishlist: A Google Docs-Rmarkdown GUI

[This article was first published on biochemistries, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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ropensci/wishlist: A Google Docs-Rmarkdown GUI:

Wishlist for rOpenSci tools

I’ve just added A Google Docs-Rmarkdown GUI to the rOpenSci ‘wishlist’.

(GUI = graphical user interface).

Thought I may as well reproduce it below:


Why Google Docs?

Google Docs is designed to be intuitive, so I find drafting a document with it is much easier than writing out Rmarkdown, which feels like writing code by hand where software is already out there to do so.

It’d also be nice to use a graphical editor just to see the document in preparation more clearly during its writing.


At a recent Open Data Manchester talk, Carole Goble suggested boosting productivity is the best way to advocate for the open science/RR project (arguably more so than reproducibility per se).

As I noted at the time though, ‘open science’ isn’t in and of itself intrinsically productivity-boosting as Carole seemed to imply. If it is, the benefit emerges both in the long-term and on the scale of scientific community (rather than individuals), i.e. removal of the barrier to entry in carrying out a published analysis for verification/interrogation, often referred to as “accelerating the scientific process”.

If anything, doing ‘open science’ is currently counter to productivity:

Advantages and impracticality of Rmarkdown

Rmarkdown will aid productivity since it:

All these things computational researchers seem to appreciate. However, the barrier to entry — i.e. the need to code for basic functions and put effort into reading/writing markdown formatting — mean the productivity gains won’t become apparent for scientists at large without further development work, as I see it at least.

With an existing script gdocs2md* it’s easy to generate documents with the basic elements of markdown from a Google Doc.

* a particularly well-functioning fork of which I’ve now tracked down and started modifying on GitHub as gdocs2Rmd

To do

Some of the following are implemented and/or described in existing forks of gdocs2md – Switch from script editor to UI menu – Remove hard-coded folder ID (look at what other forks did to use currently active doc within UI button) – (Option to) view output markdown in browser rather than saving/emailing – Publish to the Chrome web store. NB guidelines state:

The add-on must be fully functional—can't be a “work in progress”

Please add more items to the to-do list if you have ideas.

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