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Ramarro: “R for Developers” free (web) book

[This article was first published on MilanoR, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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What is Ramarro?

Ramarro is a book about advanced R programming. This book is released as an hyperlink text (i.e. a website), so I called it a web book.

Ramarro covers several advanced R topics, such as: environments, functional programming, Object Oriented Programming, parallel computation and so on…

Ramarro helps any R user to gain a more in-depth perspective on R programming and to become an R developer.

Please, visit to read Ramarro.

R for Developers

Ramarro covers topics of the “R for Developers” course. If you are interested in this matter, I (through my company Quantide) am organizing a face-to-face course in Milano (Italy) on October 16 and 17. Please visit for more information.

I can organize a live web course about “R for Developers”. If you’re interested, please contact


I have taken efforts in writing this manual. However, it would not have been possible without the sharing of knowledge, information, ideas, doubts and even criticisms of many individuals on the internet. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I would like to thank my colleagues: Nicola Sturaro and Enrico Pegoraro for their contributions and for the long hours they spent checking and reviewing my messy writing.

I am also grateful to: Bill Venables and John Chambers for their publications on R that provided solid foundations to my knowledge on this subject.

I would also like to express my special gratitude to Hadley Wickham for providing and sharing his research. Without his contribution ( most parts of this manual would never have been written.

I finally express my sincere excuses to all researchers and R enthusiasts I have borrowed any knowledge from without mentioning them. This was not intentional, simply I had not always tracked my sources. If this is the case, please contact me directly and I will be more than happy to include any appropriate reference in this manual.

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