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Forecasting with R in WA

[This article was first published on Hyndsight » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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On 23–25 September, I will be running a 3-day workshop in Perth on “Forecasting: principles and practice” mostly based on my book of the same name.

Workshop participants will be assumed to be familiar with basic statistical tools such as multiple regression, but no knowledge of time series or forecasting will be assumed. Some prior experience in R is highly desirable.

Venue: The University Club, University of Western Australia, Nedlands WA.

Day 1:
Forecasting tools, seasonality and trends, exponential smoothing.
Day 2:
State space models, stationarity, transformations, differencing, ARIMA models.
Day 3:
Time series cross-validation, dynamic regression, hierarchical forecasting, nonlinear models.

The course will involve a mixture of lectures and practical sessions using R. Each participant must bring their own laptop with R installed, along with the fpp package and its dependencies.

For costs and enrolment details, go to

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