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Things I Forget: Push/Pull Greyed out in RStudio?!?

[This article was first published on Landscape Ecology 2.0 » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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So, on more than one occasion I have set up a repository locally, then on GitHub and pushed to that repo from the shell. This works great, but this would always result in the Push and Pull buttons in RStudio getting greyed out. I could push just fine from the shell, but not from the GUI. Not a big problem, but always kind of annoyed me.

Today I took a bit of time to search for a solution and found my answer pretty quickly over on RStudio support.  All I had to do was simply push from the shell with the -u flag. This flag added an upstream reference.

Prior to fixing it my config looked like: Hollister core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=false core.bare=false core.logallrefupdates=true core.symlinks=false core.ignorecase=true core.hidedotfiles=dotGitOnly remote.origin.url= remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

And after using git push -u origin master, my config had these two lines added at the bottom:
branch.master.remote=origin branch.master.merge=refs/heads/master

I restarted RStudio and can now push and pull from the GUI.  Yeah!

Lastly, this really isn’t something I have forgotten yet, I just looked it up. But, it does seem like something I would forget. I am just being proactive here.

Filed under: Programming, R, Things I Forget Tagged: Git, pull, push, RStudio

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