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rfunctions Package on Github

[This article was first published on jared huling, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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This post is mostly an attempt to familiarize myself with Rmarkdown, jekyll, and github. I recently posted an R package (rfunctions), which contains some functions I wrote (or modified) that make my life a little easier. I’ll go through some examples in R to highlight the various functions included.


rfunctions is not available on CRAN, but can be installed using the R package devtools. rfunctions can be installed with the following R code:


Accelerated crossprod function

A project I’ve been working on requires fast evaluation of $X^TX$ for a design matrix $X$. I found a great example in the paper for RcppEigen by Douglas Bates and Dirk Eddelbuettel for just such a thing. RcppEigen provides a simple and effective interface between R and the blazing-fast Eigen C++ library for numerical linear algebra. Their example uses inline, a nice tool for inline C++ code in R, and I a made a proper R function from that. The following showcases the speed of Eigen. Note that since $X^TX$ is symmetric, we only have to compute half of the values, which further reduces computation time.

n.obs <- 10000
n.vars <- 100

x <- matrix(rnorm(n.obs * n.vars), n.obs, n.vars)


microbenchmark(crossprodcpp(x), crossprod(x), times = 25L)
## Unit: milliseconds
##             expr   min    lq median    uq   max neval
##  crossprodcpp(x) 14.06 14.54  15.18 18.56 28.63    25
##     crossprod(x) 62.23 63.69  66.39 67.21 78.64    25
all.equal(crossprodcpp(x), crossprod(x))
## [1] TRUE

crossprodcpp can also compute a weighted cross product $X^T W X$ where $W$ is a diagonal weight matrix

ru <- runif(n.obs)
weights <- ru * (1 - ru)

microbenchmark(crossprodcpp(x, weights), crossprod(x, weights * x), times = 25L)
## Unit: milliseconds
##                       expr    min     lq median     uq    max neval
##   crossprodcpp(x, weights)  18.86  19.33  19.56  19.86  24.82    25
##  crossprod(x, weights * x) 122.46 124.14 125.09 127.42 146.67    25
all.equal(crossprodcpp(x, weights), crossprod(x, weights * x))
## [1] TRUE

Largest Singular Value Computation

The Lanczos algorithm is a well-known method for fast computation of extremal eigenvalues. The Golub-Kahan-Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm is an extension of this to approximate the largest singular values of a matrix $X$ from below. The function gklBidiag approximates the largest singular value of a matrix. Since GKL bidiagonalization is initialized from a random vector, we can compute a probabilistic upper bound for the singular value. The following compares the speed of gklBidiag and the implementation in the popular Fortran library PROPACK found in the svd package


v <- runif(ncol(x))  #initialization for GKL-bidiag

propack <- function() .Call("propack_svd", x, 1L, opts = list(kmax = 30L), PACKAGE = "svd")
gklb <- function(v) gklBidiag(x, v, maxit = 30L)

microbenchmark(gklb(v), propack())
## Unit: milliseconds
##       expr    min     lq median     uq   max neval
##    gklb(v)  36.29  36.96  37.58  40.63 137.1   100
##  propack() 264.61 268.05 273.70 287.99 364.1   100
gklBidiag(x, v, maxit = 30L)$d - .Call("propack_svd", x, 1L, opts = list(kmax = 30L),
    PACKAGE = "svd")$d
## [1] -4.089e-10

As gklBidiag also works on sparse matrices (of the SparseMatrix class from the Matrix package), I can showcase another function in rfunctions, simSparseMatrix, which unsurprisingly simulates matrices with very few nonzero values. The nonzero values can either be all 1’s or generated from a normal distribution. The level of sparsity of the simulated matrix can be specified

n.obs <- 1e+05
n.vars <- 1000

# simulate a very sparse matrix (this matrix has many zeros and few ones)
x.s.b <- simSparseMatrix(sparsity = 0.99, dim = c(n.obs, n.vars), boolean = T)
x.s.c <- simSparseMatrix(sparsity = 0.99, dim = c(n.obs, n.vars), boolean = F)
v <- runif(n.vars)

# reorthogonalization sometimes leads to higher accuracy. it helps correct
# for floating-point errors
microbenchmark(gklBidiag(x.s.b, v, maxit = 10L, 0L), gklBidiag(x.s.c, v, maxit = 10L,
## Unit: milliseconds
##                                  expr   min    lq median    uq   max neval
##  gklBidiag(x.s.b, v, maxit = 10L, 0L) 93.49 94.36  95.79 100.8 147.5   100
##  gklBidiag(x.s.c, v, maxit = 10L, 0L) 93.46 94.54  95.89 104.8 178.8   100
gklBidiag(x.s.b, v, maxit = 10L, 0L)$d
## [1] 104.9
gklBidiag(x.s.c, v, maxit = 10L, 0L)$d
## [1] 35.43

Faster Addition/Subtraction of Matrices

This may seem pointless, but I wrote functions to add and subtract matrices. It turns out my functions are faster than using the + and - operators. I’m sure someone will be quick to point out why using my add() and subtract() functions is silly and a bad idea.

A <- simSparseMatrix(sparsity = 0.99, dim = c(n.obs, n.vars), boolean = F)
B <- simSparseMatrix(sparsity = 0.99, dim = c(n.obs, n.vars), boolean = F)

microbenchmark(add(A, B), A + B)
## Unit: milliseconds
##       expr    min     lq median    uq   max neval
##  add(A, B)  91.13  94.13  104.3 114.5 329.3   100
##      A + B 250.53 282.17  372.7 389.5 484.0   100
microbenchmark(subtract(A, B), A - B)
## Unit: milliseconds
##            expr    min     lq median    uq   max neval
##  subtract(A, B)  92.16  94.66  96.79 106.2 226.9   100
##           A - B 264.04 381.39 392.87 406.3 505.6   100
all.equal(add(A, B), A + B)
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(subtract(A, B), A - B)
## [1] TRUE

The add() and subtract() methods for dense matrices are slower than the corresponding operators, so they’re only worth using when you have sparse matrices.

n.obs <- 1000
n.vars <- 1000

A <- matrix(rnorm(n.obs * n.vars), n.obs, n.vars)
B <- matrix(rnorm(n.obs * n.vars), n.obs, n.vars)

microbenchmark(add(A, B), A + B)
## Unit: milliseconds
##       expr   min    lq median    uq   max neval
##  add(A, B) 5.975 7.187  7.323 7.803 22.65   100
##      A + B 1.839 3.478  3.531 3.613 21.89   100
microbenchmark(subtract(A, B), A - B)
## Unit: milliseconds
##            expr   min    lq median    uq   max neval
##  subtract(A, B) 5.677 7.180  7.315 7.606 26.74   100
##           A - B 1.829 3.484  3.529 3.608 19.56   100
all.equal(add(A, B), A + B)
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(subtract(A, B), A - B)
## [1] TRUE
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