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[This article was first published on Systematic Investor » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Today, I want to explain the commission’s functionality build in to Systematic Investor Toolbox(SIT) “share” back-test.

At each re-balance time the capital is allocated given the weight such that

	share = weight * capital / price
	cash  = capital - share * price

For example, if weight is 100% (i.e. fully invested) and capital = $100 and price = $10 then

	share = 10 shares
	cash = $0

The period return is equal to

	return = [share * price + cash] / [share * price.yesterday + cash] - 1

The total return is equal to

	total.return = [1 + return.0] * [1 + return.1] * ... * [1 + return.n] - 1

The period returns constructed this way let me construct portfolio returns without using loops
I.e. if share, price, cash are matrices, then

	portfolio.return = rowSums((share * price + cash) / (share * mlag(price) + cash) - 1)


	equity = cumprod(1 + portfolio.return)

To introduce commissions into above framework, I had to make following assumptions.
Let’ assume that P0 and P1 are stock prices and com is commission that is very small relative to stock price then

	[P0 - com] / P0 is close (equal) to P0 / [P0 + com] and
	[P0 - com] * P1 is close (equal) to P0 * [P1 - com]

Given commissions, the period return formula used in SIT is equal to

	return = [share * price + cash - commission] / [share * price.yesterday + cash] - 1

Now let’s look at the example of trade with commissions:

	Let's say we are fully invested (i.e. cash = 0 and capital = share * P0)

	opening trade cost = share * P0 + com
	closing  trade cost = share * P1 - com

	return = [closing  trade cost] / [opening trade cost] - 1
	= [share * P1 - com] / [share * P0 + com] - 1

In SIT, these computations are equivalent to

	([capital - com] / [capital]) * ([share * P1 + cash - com] / [share * P0 + cash]) - 1

	< given that cash = 0 and capital = share * P0 >
	= ([share * P0 - com] / [share * P0]) * ([share * P1 - com] / [share * P0]) - 1

	< given [P0 - com] / P0 ~ P0 / [P0 + com] >
	= ([share * P0] / [share * P0 + com] / ) * ([share * P1 - com] / [share * P0]) - 1

	= [share * P1 - com] / [share * P0 + com] - 1

Hence, as long as commissions are small relative to whole trade the returns produced with SIT will be very close to the true returns.

SIT currently supports following 3 types of commissions

You can mix and match these commission methods in any way,

	the total.commission = cps.commission + fixed.commission + percentage.commission

and period return is equal to

	return = (share * price + cash - total.commission) / (share * mlag(price) + cash) - 1

Next let’s see the impact of different type of commissions. There two ways to specify the commissions.

# Load Systematic Investor Toolbox (SIT)
con = gzcon(url('', 'rb'))

	# Load historical data
	tickers = spl('EEM')

	data <- new.env()
	getSymbols(tickers, src = 'yahoo', from = '1970-01-01', env = data, auto.assign = T)
		for(i in ls(data)) data[[i]] = adjustOHLC(data[[i]], use.Adjusted=T)			
	bt.prep(data, align='keep.all', dates='2013:08::2013:09')	
	# Code Strategies
	#****************************************************************** = '2013:08:14' = '2013:08:15' = '2013:08:16'		
	capital = 100000
	prices = data$prices
	share = as.double(capital / prices[])
	# helper function to compute trade return
	comp.ret <- function(, { round(100 * (as.double( / as.double( - 1), 2) }
	# Zero commission
	data$weight[] = NA
		data$weight[] = 1
		data$weight[] = 0
		commission = 0.0
	model =, commission = commission, capital = capital, silent = T)
	comp.ret( share * prices[], share * prices[] )		
	comp.ret( model$equity[], model$equity[] )		
	# 10c cps commission
	# cents / share commission
   	#   trade cost = abs(share - mlag(share)) * commission$cps	
	data$weight[] = NA
		data$weight[] = 1
		data$weight[] = 0
		commission = 0.1
	model =, commission = commission, capital = capital, silent = T)

	comp.ret( share * (prices[] - commission), share * (prices[] + commission) )
	comp.ret( model$equity[], model$equity[] )		
	# $5 fixed commission
	# fixed commission per trade to more effectively to penalize for turnover
   	#   trade cost = sign(abs(share - mlag(share))) * commission$fixed	
	data$weight[] = NA
		data$weight[] = 1
		data$weight[] = 0
		commission = list(cps = 0.0, fixed = 5.0, percentage = 0.0)	
	model =, commission = commission, capital = capital, silent = T)

	comp.ret( share * prices[] - commission$fixed, share * prices[] + commission$fixed )
	comp.ret( model$equity[], model$equity[] )		
	# % commission
	# percentage commission
	#   trade cost = price * abs(share - mlag(share)) * commission$percentage	
	data$weight[] = NA
		data$weight[] = 1
		data$weight[] = 0
		commission = list(cps = 0.0, fixed = 0.0, percentage = 1/100)	
	model =, commission = commission, capital = capital, silent = T)

	comp.ret( share * prices[] * (1 - commission$percentage), share * prices[] * (1 + commission$percentage) )
	comp.ret( model$equity[], model$equity[] )	

To view the complete source code for this example, please have a look at the bt.commission.test() function in bt.test.r at github.

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