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Post 5: Refactoring Part I: a generic Metropolis-Hastings sampler

[This article was first published on Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Item Response Models, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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A best practice in software engineering is to re-use code instead of duplicating it. One reason for this is that it makes finding and fixing bugs easier. You only have to find the bug once instead of finding it every place you duplicated the code.

Since the person ability, item discrimination, and item difficulty samplers will all use the same Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm, it would be useful to define each of those samplers in terms of a generic MH sampler.

In this post, we refactor the person ability sampler from Post 4 into: (1) a generic MH sampler, (2) a function to draw proposals for the person ability parameters, and (3) a function to calculate the complete conditional density qfor the person ability parameters. We then implement a new version of the person ability sampler and compare its output to the sampler from Post 4.

General refactoring strategy

The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is roughly as follows:

  1. Propose a new value.
  2. Calculate the probability of accepting the new value.
  3. Flip a coin to determine if we accept the proposal or not.
  4. Update the state of the chain.

The code from the previous post implements these steps for the specific context of the person ability parameter. Below, we examine the code for each step of the algorithm, identify pieces that are specific to the person ability context, and then refactor the code into a general part and a specific part.

Step 1: Propose a new value

There are two places in the code that are specific to proposing new values in the person ability context. The first is in drawing the proposal values:

th.old    <- old$th     <- old$MH$th
P.persons <- length(th.old)   <- rnorm(P.persons,th.old,

The second is in calculating the last two terms of the acceptance probability: <- log(dnorm(,th.old,
 log.prop.old  <- log(dnorm(th.old,,

One way to combine these two tasks is to write a specific proposal function for the person ability parameters which will do two things (1) make the proposal draws and (2) return the log-density of the proposal distribution. For example:

## Proposal function for the person ability parameters <- function( state ) {
    ## Extract parameters from the state
    ## ... Previously:
    ##         th.old    <- old$th
    ##     <- old$MH$th
    ## ... Now:
    th.old <- state$th  <- state$MH$th

    ## Draw the proposal to update the state
    ## ... Previously:
    ##         P.persons <- length(th.old)
    ##   <- rnorm(P.persons,th.old,
    ## ... Now: 
    state$th <- rnorm( length( th.old ), mean=th.old, )

    ## Build a function to return the density of the proposal
    ## ... Previously:
    ## <- log(dnorm(,th.old,
    ##         log.prop.old  <- log(dnorm(th.old,,
    ## ... Now, we define the function 
    log.density <- function(, state.from ) {
       dnorm( x    =$th,
              mean = state.from$th,
              sd   =,
              log  = TRUE )
    ## Return the proposal object
    ## ... Note that we'll need the name of the parameter later,
    ##     so return it too
    return( list('th', state=state,
                  log.density=log.density ))

Then the generic sampler would look something like this:

## A snippet of the generic sampler 
mh.sample <- function( old.state,
                       ## ... snip ...
                      ) {
    ## Step 1: Call the proposal function
    prop <- proposal.function( old.state )
    ## which returns:
    ## ... prop$, the name of the parameter 
    ## ... prop$state, the new state object 
    ## ... prop$log.density, the log density of the proposal

    ## Step 2: Calculate the (log) acceptance probability <- (
        ## ... snip ... 
        ## Proposal density calculated to the proposal
        + prop$log.density( prop$state, old.state )
        ## Proposal density calculated to the "old" value
        - prop$log.density( old.state, prop$state )

   ## ... snip ...

where ... snip ... stands in for parts of the code which are not yet fleshed out.

Step 2: Calculating the acceptance probability

Now having drawn the proposals we can calculate the probability of accepting them. In the theta.abl sampler, this occurs in one line: <- pmin( + log.prop.old - -

where,,, and log.prop.old represent the value of complete conditional density at the proposal, the value of the complete conditional density at the old state of the chain, the value of the proposal density at the proposal, and the value of the "reversed" proposal density respectively.

Since the proposal function we defined above returns the proposal density, the only other information needed is the complete conditional density. We can implement this for the person ability parameter as:

## Complete conditional for the person ability parameters <- function(, state ) {
       ## Calculate the log-likelihood term
       apply( log.prob(, state$th, state$a, state$b),1,sum)
       ## And add the prior log-density term 
     + dnorm(state$th, 0, sqrt(state$s2), log=TRUE)

Then we can use it as follows in the generic MH sampling function:

## A snippet of the generic sampler 
mh.sample <- function(, old.state,
                      ) {
    ## Step 1: Call the proposal function
    prop <- proposal.function( old.state )
    ## which returns:
    ## ... prop$, the name of the parameter 
    ## ... prop$state, the new state object 
    ## ... prop$log.density, the log density of the proposal

    ## Step 2: Calculate the (log) acceptance probability <- (
        ## Complete conditional at the proposal 
        cc.log.density(, prop$state )
        ## Complete conditional at the "old" value
        - cc.log.density(, old.state )
        ## Proposal density calculated to the proposal
        + prop$log.density( prop$state, old.state )
        ## Proposal density calculated to the "old" value
        - prop$log.density( old.state, prop$state )

   ## ... snip ...

Note that I have removed the call to pmin that was in the code. Details are in the next section.

Step 3: Flipping the coin

Conceptually, choosing which proposals are accepted is independent of the specific context. In the sampler, we implemented it so that it depended on P.persons:

 ## Accept or reject the proposals by flipping coins with the
 ## calculated acceptance probabilities <- ifelse(log(runif(P.persons))<, 1, 0)

To make it general, we replace P.persons with the length of the value:

    ## Step 3: Accept proposal draws
    ## ... Flip coins with the calculated probabilities <- ifelse(
        log(runif( length( )) <=,
        1, 0 )

which can be included in the generic mh.sample function immediately before the final ## ... snip ... line.

An aside about pmin

Recall that I removed the call to pmin that was in the code. In the chapter, the call to pmin paralleled the explanation of the MH algorithm that was given in the text. Specifically, the acceptance probability must be less than or equal to one. Since the fraction can be greater than 1, we use the pmin function to set it equal to 1 in those cases. Or, on the log scale, the fraction may be greater than zero, so we use pmin to set it equal to 0 in those cases.

Because we implement the coin flipping with the inverse CDF trick, it does not matter if has been forced to be zero for all instances where its value is greater than zero. The inequality holds either way. Therefore we remove the call to pmin because it is unnecessary.

Step 4: Updating the chain

In the sampler, the updates were handled by referring to the th object within the cur object via the cur$th syntax:

 ## Update the chain 
 cur          <- old   
 cur$th       <- ifelse(,, th.old)

 ## Calculate acceptance probabilities (for tuning)
 cur$ACC$th   <- old$ACC$th + mean( )
 cur$ACC$th.n < -  cur$ACC$th.n + 1

In R, an additional way to access the element of list is with the [[...]] syntax, where the ... is a variable that stores the name of the list element. For example, if = 'th', then cur$th and cur[[]] both reference the same object.

The [[...]] syntax can be useful when element names within a list are related to each other. For example, in the cur$ACC object there are two elements th and th.n. If = 'th', then we can construct the th.n name with the paste function:

    name.n < - paste(, ".n", sep="")

where the value of name.n will be th.n. Therefore, cur$ACC[[name.n]] will refer to cur$ACC$th.n and cur$ACC[[]] will refer to cur$ACC$th.

See the next section for how these ideas are implemented in the generic MH sampler.

The final refactored code

The final generic MH sampler is then:

## A generic MH sampler
mh.sample <- function(, old.state,
                       cc.log.density, proposal.function ) {
    ## Step 1: Call the proposal function
    prop <- proposal.function( old.state )
    ## which returns:
    ## ... prop$, the name of the parameter 
    ## ... prop$state, the new state object 
    ## ... prop$log.density, the log density of the proposal

    ## Step 2: Calculate the (log) acceptance probability <- (
        ## Complete conditional at the proposal 
        cc.log.density(, prop$state )
        ## Complete conditional at the "old" value
        - cc.log.density(, old.state )
        ## Proposal density calculated to the proposal
        + prop$log.density( prop$state, old.state )
        ## Proposal density calculated to the "old" value
        - prop$log.density( old.state, prop$state )

    ## Step 3: Accept proposal draws
    ## ... Flip coins with the calculated probabilities <- ifelse(
        log(runif( length( )) 

The person ability proposal function is:

## Proposal function for the person ability parameters <- function( state ) {
    ## Extract parameters from the state
    ## ... Previously:
    ##         th.old    <- old$th
    ##     <- old$MH$th
    ## ... Now:
    th.old <- state$th  <- state$MH$th

    ## Draw the proposal to update the state
    ## ... Previously:
    ##         P.persons <- length(th.old)
    ##   <- rnorm(P.persons,th.old,
    ## ... Now: 
    state$th <- rnorm( length( th.old ), mean=th.old, )

    ## Build a function to return the density of the proposal
    ## ... Previously:
    ## <- log(dnorm(,th.old,
    ##         log.prop.old  <- log(dnorm(th.old,,
    ## ... Now, we define the function 
    log.density <- function(, state.from ) {
       dnorm( x    =$th,
              mean = state.from$th,
              sd   =,
              log  = TRUE )
    ## Return the proposal object
    ## ... Note that we'll need the name of the parameter later,
    ##     so return it too
    return( list('th', state=state,
                  log.density=log.density ))

The person ability complete conditional density is:

## Complete conditional for the person ability parameters <- function(, state ) {
       ## Calculate the log-likelihood term
       apply( log.prob(, state$th, state$a, state$b),1,sum)
       ## And add the prior log-density term 
     + dnorm(state$th, 0, sqrt(state$s2), log=TRUE)

The refactored person ability sampler is:

## Define the person ability sampler <- function(, old ) {
    mh.sample(, old,
               cc.log.density    =, 
               proposal.function =

Testing the refactored code

In the previous post, we demonstrated that was implemented correctly. Therefore, to check that the refactored sampler is working correctly, it is sufficient to show that it returns identical output. To do so, we run a short chain with, run an otherwise identical chain with, and then compare their output.

## Load the necessary code from this and previous posts

## Check that we are using the Post 4
## version of
## 1 function (, old)                        
## 2 {                                             
## 3     th.old <- old$th                          
## 4 <- old$MH$th                        
## 5     P.persons <- length(th.old)               
## 6 <- rnorm(P.persons, th.old,

## Set the seed and run the sampler for ten iterations
run.post4 <- run.chain.2pl(
    M.burnin = 0, M.keep  = 10, M.thin = 1,  = U, hyperpars = hyperpars,
    th.init = runif( length(theta.abl), 
                     min=-5, max=5     ),
    a.init  = a.disc, b.init  = b.diff,
    s2.init = sig2.theta,, MH.a=NULL, MH.b=NULL)

## Swap in the refactored sampler <-       <-

## Set the seed and run the sampler for ten iterations
run.refactor <- run.chain.2pl(
    M.burnin = 0, M.keep  = 10, M.thin = 1,  = U, hyperpars = hyperpars,
    th.init = runif( length(theta.abl), 
                     min=-5, max=5     ),
    a.init  = a.disc, b.init  = b.diff,
    s2.init = sig2.theta,, MH.a=NULL, MH.b=NULL)

## Check that they return the same values
all.equal( run.post4, run.refactor )
## [1] TRUE

That the output is identical suggests that the code was refactored correctly.

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