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Monty Hall Simulations

[This article was first published on R Psychologist » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The Monty Hall Problem

There’ve been many simulations of the Monty Hall-problem done in R. But since I’m trying to learn R, I wanted to try to simulate the paradox over many different trails and plot them all using ggplot2. The problem was originally posed as follows (from wikipedia):

“Suppose you’re on a game show, and you’re given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1 [but the door is not opened], and the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, “Do you want to pick door No. 2?” Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?”

Writing the R code

Most of you already now what strategy is best. But to try it out I wrote the following code:

# load libraries

N <- 10000 # Number of guesses per trail
T <- 100 # trails

# Function to create a list with N-number
# winning doors who are randomly chosen from 1,2,3
winning.door.func <- function() {
 winning.door <- sample(1:3, N, replace=TRUE)

# Create a matrix with the winning.door.func()
# replicated T-number of times.
winning.door.matrix <- replicate(T, winning.door.func())
switch.door.matrix <- 2 + (winning.door.matrix != 2)

To keep it simple, we always chose door number 1 as our first choice< !--/.shortcode-highlight-->. The simulation would run the same, regardless of which door we choose. Since we always start with door 1, we can calculate which door we must switch to by 2 + (winning.door.matrix != 2). We can never choose to switch to either door 2 or 3 in the same game. Because if door 2 is the winner, door 3 will be opened by the host and if door 3 is the winner, door 2 will be opened by the host. Therefore, if we switch to 2 and 2 is the winner the condition in this calculation will be FALSE, hence 2 will be added to switch.door.matrix. And, likewise, if door 2 is not the winner, the condition will be TRUE and 3 will be added to switch.door.matrix. If the winning door is 1 the host will open either door 2 or 3. And we will add 2 to our matrix, because the condition is not met. Since we record switches in this way, we can calculate winnings by switch.door.matrix == winning.door.matrix.

## Option 1: STAY with first choice.
#create a matrix with number of winnings for each guess and trail.
stay.winnings <- switch.door.matrix
# change value to 1 on each winnings.
stay.winnings[winning.door.matrix == 1] <- 1
# change value to 0 on each loss.
stay.winnings[winning.door.matrix != 1] <- 0
# make each trail cumulative for nicer plots.
for (i in 1:T) {
 stay.winnings[,i] <- cumsum(stay.winnings[,i])

## Option 2: Always switch
switch.winnings <- switch.door.matrix
# change value to 1 if we switch to the winning door.
switch.winnings[winning.door.matrix == switch.door.matrix] <- 1
# change value to 0 if we switch to a losing door.
switch.winnings[winning.door.matrix != switch.door.matrix] <- 0
# make each trail cumulative for nicer plots.
for (i in 1:T) {
 switch.winnings[,i] <- cumsum(switch.winnings[,i])

# Create a data.frames from the switch.door.matrix <-
# Add a column named "category" cointaining row index.$category <- row.names(
# "Melt" the data.frame from wide to long-format.
# The reason for doing this is so we can plot
# each trail in the same plot, using trail as "group". <- melt(

# Melt stay data. <-$category <- row.names(stay.winnings) <- melt(

# Plot using ggplot2.
# start with
ggplot(, aes(1:N,value, group=variable, color="Stay")) +
 ylab("Winnings (cumulative)") + # y-label
 xlab("Guesses") + # x-label
 # draw as a lines
 geom_line(alpha = I(3/10)) +
 # add another layer to draw as a lines.
 geom_line(, aes(,value, group=variable,
 alpha = I(3/10)) +
 # create a manual legend
 scale_color_manual("Choices", values = c("Switch" = "blue","Stay" = "red")) +
 # Title over the plot
 opts(title = paste(T, "Monty Hall-simulations \n each containing", N,

#Calculate mean probablities
ggsave(filename=paste("monty_hall_",T,"x",N,".jpg"), dpi=300)


I ran the codes using different values for trails (T) and guesses (N). I started with 100 trails x 10 guesses and ended with 100 trails x 10 000, and it clearly demonstrates that we need quite a lot of guesses before the lines converge towards the expected value. The 100 x 10 000 simulation gave a mean probability of winning if you chose not to change door = 0.333701 and 0.666299 if you always switched door. But already at the 100 x 100 plot we can see that it’s always better to switch door.

Monty Hall 100 x 10
Monty Hall 100 x 50
Monty Hall 100 x 100
Monty Hall 100 x 500
Monty Hall 100 x 5000
Monty Hall 100 x 10000

Resources used

For this R session I used the following books:
Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming. San Francisco: No Starch Pess.
Wickham, H. (2009). ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis. New York: Springer.

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