Articles by Rcrastinate

Little Helpers: Character index counter

December 25, 2020 | Rcrastinate

I find myself counting characters on my screen more often than I feel comfortable doing it. Isn’t it weird to count things by hand when you have the power of R right in front of you? Well, I decided to but a little helper function into my .Rprofil... [Read more...]

Let the snail crawl: Animated density curves

July 28, 2020 | Rcrastinate

Previously, I’ve plotted a ridgeline based on a variable’s density through time. It might look nice but it’s quite obvious that time can be visualized in a more fitting way - by time itself, in an animated plot that is. So, let’s fire up the {gganimate} ... [Read more...]

if … else and ifelse

February 26, 2020 | Rcrastinate

Let’s make this a quick and quite basic one. There is this incredibly useful function in R called ifelse(). It’s basically a vectorized version of an if … else control structure every programming language has in one way or the other. ifelse() has, in my view, two major advantages ... [Read more...]

Correspondence Analysis visualization using ggplot

August 19, 2019 | Rcrastinate

What we want to do Recently, I used a correspondence analysis from the ca package in a paper. All of the figures in the paper were done with ggplot. So, I wanted the visualization for the correspondence analysis to match the style of the other figures. The standard plot method ...
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January 14, 2019 | Rcrastinate

Please visit for more R-related blogs. It’s a wonderful resource for everything related to R, statistics, visualizations, and more! [Read more...]

Rcrastinate is now based on blogdown

January 14, 2019 | Rcrastinate

Well, hello there! I moved Rcrastinate to a blogdown-based solution now. With this, I can use all the fancy stuff that comes with R Markdown documents. I’m happy that you’re here. You can still access my older posts over at
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