
Get up and running with R, Sweave, and LaTex

July 2, 2010 | --

There are a lot of great references on the web on how to levarage LaTeX for reporting and presentations (beamer), but as someone who is completely new to R and reproducible research, I was having a pretty hard time figuring out simply what to do (what tools, where do you ... [Read more...]

Creating a Presentation with LaTeX Beamer – Getting Started

July 2, 2010 | Ralph

The LaTeX beamer package can be used to create appealing presentations for many applications. A working knowledge of LaTeX is required but once the initial learning curve and transition is made from a visual word processor to a markup based approach the benefits are worth the initial investment of time. ... [Read more...]

highlight 0.1-9

May 29, 2010 | romain francois

The version 0.1-8 of highlight introduced a small bug in the latex renderer. This is now fixed in version 0.1-9 and the latex renderer also gains an argument "minipage" which wraps the latex code in a minipage environment. I've used this to make... [Read more...]

Must Have Software

May 28, 2010 | John Mount

Having worked with Unix (BSD, HPUX, IRIX, Linux and OSX), Windows (NT4, 2000, XP, Vista and 7) for quite a while I have seen a lot of different software tools. I would like to quickly exhibit my “must have” list. These are the packages that I find to be the single “must ... [Read more...]

Some LaTeX Gems – Part 1: TikZ, Loops and more

April 23, 2010 | Ryan

This logo means that the blog post is about something I have found interesting, but does not apply directly to the exact purpose of this blog. Note: These commands have been tested in pdflatex. I am not sure if they work in other distributions. Over the past couple of months, ... [Read more...]

Font Families for the R PDF Device

March 24, 2010 | Yihui Xie

otivated by the excellent R package pgfSweave, I begin to notice the font families in my graphs when writing Sweave documents. The default font family for PDF graphs is Helvetica, which is, in most cases (I think), inconsistent with the LaTeX font styles. Some common font families are listed in ?... [Read more...]

Press Enter in LyX Sweave as You Wish

February 18, 2010 | Yihui Xie

or a long time I’ve been wondering why we are not able to use Enter in the LyX Scrap environment which was set up by Gregor Gorjanc for Sweave. Two weeks ago, I (finally!) could not help asking Gregor about this issue, as I’m using “LyX + Sweave” more ...
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Using Google Reader

February 15, 2010 | Rob J Hyndman

Google Reader is a fantastic way to keep track of new papers that are appearing in many different journals, and also to follow some of the interesting research blogs (and blogs on other topics) that are out there. Google Reader checks websites for you and lets you know of any ...
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Codecogs – Open-Source library of numerical components

January 8, 2010 | Ralph

The Codecogs website provides an Open-source library of functions for numerical analysis. One interesting component available on the website is the LaTeX equation editor which can be used to create graphics files of equations to include on webpages. The webpage describe this component as a A web-based LaTeX equation editor ... [Read more...]

new R package : bibtex

December 11, 2009 | romain francois

I've pushed to CRAN the package bibtex package The package defines the read.bib function that reads a file in the bibtex format. The code is based on bibparse The read.bib function generates an object of class citationList, just like utils::citation [Read more...]

new R package : highlight

November 22, 2009 | romain francois

I finally pushed highlight to CRAN, which should be available in a few days. The package uses the information gathered by the parser package to perform syntax highlighting of R code The main function of the package is highlight, which takes a numb... [Read more...]

Create Animations in PDF Documents Using R

November 11, 2009 | Yihui Xie

ince animation 1.0-9, we will be able to create a PDF document with an animation embedded in it; the function is saveLatex(), and its usage is similar to saveMovie() and saveSWF(): you pass an R expression for creating animations to this function, and this expression will be evaluated in the ... [Read more...]

The optimal way to do sweave

October 16, 2009 | Shige

The optimal way to do sweave may be to have a master file in LaTeX, and a separate Rnw file contains all the computations, figures, and tables. That way, it is easy to compile the LaTeX as the writing goes on without the hassle of carrying out the comp...
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Emacs: AucTeX + Rubber + Sweave

May 30, 2009 | Vinh Nguyen

I got rubber to work with auctex and sweave (Rnw) files with the help of this. Basically, combined with my other stuff, I tweaked my .emacs file to look like: ;;following is AucTeX with Sweave -- works ;; (setq TeX-file-extensions '("Snw" "Rnw" "nw" "tex" "... [Read more...]
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